Hello everyone,
It’s been a while! But recently I had a photo shoot with Luka, a 4.5 year old Dalmatian. Luka is living his best life in the Shire with his pawrents Sarah & Paul and his two younger canine siblings Nina and Monty.
Unfortunately we had to schedule this session under not so happy circumstances. I got the message from Paul that Luka was diagnosed with Dilated cardiomyopathy, a heart disease that is extremely rare in Dalmatians. What makes it even more unfair is that 1 year ago they have lost Luka’s bestest friend Izzy the doberman to the same exact illness.
It was crucial to capture these important images while Luka is still in good health. We initially talked about the possibility of including all 3 pups into a session, but decided is best to dedicate this one to him and his mum Sarah.
Luka is a placid boy, he equally loves to hang out with his canine siblings and his humans. He is an affectionate boy and he isn’t afraid to dish his love out throughout the day. One of his absolutely favourite things to do is to swim and run through the water near his home. One of his other more cheeky quirks is that he loves to suck on “his” pillow at home 😀 And I can vouch that it’s extremely adorable when he does, hehe.
The afternoon of our shoot was picture perfect. During Luka’s session, we aimed to do all the things he loves. We went for a bush walk, he cuddled with his humans, we ate plenty of treats, played his favourite games, and had fun in the water!
Please scroll down to see some of luka’s best moments 🙂