Sonia was great! Very professional, polite and excellent with our puppies. Absolutely amazing photos!
Beth & Boris
Hello everyone!
Introducing the mighty Boris and his cheeky sister Mika from Western Sydney. Boris is a teenager just 3 years old and Mika is still a baby at just one. She is also my very first Alaskan Klee Kai I have photographed! Klee Kai is a relatively new breed that looks like a smaller version of the Siberian Husky. She is much more energetic than her bro of course, but in temperament nothing like huskies.
Mika came to support her BIG bro in his “big dog” shoot, but of course we couldn’t leave her out of the photos, that would be mean! Plus they absolutely adore each other.
For their session we picked one of my favourite quiter spots in the Shire with some beautiful backlighting. Boris was an absolute doll, following Dad’s instructions, wanting to please and receive his chicken rewards, but mostly he was just chilling and playing it cool! 🙂 Boris is a big huge mean machine and by that I mean a teddy bear (don’t tell him I said that) who loves his bbq chicken & swimming! His little quirks include stealing Mika’s toys and receiving back scratches. Lots and lots of back scratches.
From the first picture I saw of Boris, I fell in love with his beautiful smile!
Please enjoy their highlights.

As an outcome we made this beautiful 8-piece storyboard of Mika & Boris, we were all very excited to see it in print