Hi guys, today I would like to talk about editing images. I know everyone who had a photoshoot with me heard me say something along the lines of “your images will be ready for viewing in about a week”. Right? Well today, I would like to give you a little insight of what will happen in that time and why post production is so important.

First I need to get a little bit of technical context out of the way. Photographers most often capture what is called a RAW file in camera. RAW images, also known as “digital negatives” are truly “raw”, just like your food ingredients that need to be cooked before they can be used. They are almost unprocessed data coming directly from the camera sensor.

The reason why photographers choose this file format in their cameras when taking photos, the RAW files preserve the most amount of information about an image and generally contain more colors and dynamic range than other formats such as JPEG allowing you to “create” the image rather than letting the camera make a general guess of what the scene should look like.

As you can see in a couple of my examples below, the photo on the right hand side (before adjustments) is looking very dull. And the photo on the left hand side (after adjustments) is looking a lot more alive. My editing workflow can involve anything from minor adjustments such as white balance, exposure correction, leash, spot, dirt or clutter removal, to advanced editing techniques for photos taken during sunset/sunrise.

I spend several hours at my desk working with the top 20-40 images. Before they even make it into my editing workflow, I select them very carefully to get for you a great variety of images that are technically and visually correct.
This is a part of my workflow to make sure your images look their absolute best and can really stand out in your home in whatever form you choose them in.

Would like to know more? Just leave me a comment at the bottom of this post. Cheers, Sonia 🙂



